Support ASFSB
The American Scandinavian Foundation of Santa Barbara is 100% depended on members’ generosity as it does not receive any funding from federal, state or local organizations. This is how YOU can help us:
sustainable membership
Membership is open to any person interested in preserving and enhancing the appreciation of the Scandinavian heritage. Thousands of people across the United States join and celebrate the Scandinavian culture. ASFSB also strives to organize and promote cultural events and activities for the membership and the community. As a member you’ll receive discounts at all our events. We welcome anyone interested in Scandinavian culture, the customs, art, music, history, and social life of the Nordic Countries. A Scandinavian ethnic background is not required.
MEMBERSHIP FEES (expires 12/31 each year)
Student membership: $15 (by 12/31) / $20
Individual: $30 (by 12/31) / $35
Family: $40 (by 12/31) / $45
Download the membership PDF, fill & sign and e-mail back to us at info@asfsb.net
OR download, print, sign and mail to:
P.O. Box 41502
Santa Barbara, CA 93140
our scholarship fund
Student scholarships are about the future. We are committed to investing in that future by helping students of Scandinavian heritage or those wishing to study our culture. We realize that such an investment is not simply financial though that is important. It is also about our community’s ability and willingness to demonstrate support for the next generation. It is also about how such a scholarship makes the recipient feel. We are eager to encourage them to dream about a future in which they become productive and meaningful members of our society.
Our legacy Circle
Leaving a legacy to support the American Scandinavian Foundation, Santa Barbara, is both easy and effective. Simply include ASFSB in your Will or Trust Instrument, specifying whether you would like your gift to support the operations of the Foundation or it Scholarship Fund. In either case, you will know that you have taken a major step in supporting Scandinavian culture in our community. Should you need help in making this happen, just ask any member of the Board as each of them will probably be a member of the Legacy Circle.