The American Scandinavian Foundation of Santa Barbara (ASFSB) is a non-profit organization which was incorporated March 31, 1983. For 36 years prior to that date, the organization was a chapter of the national American Scandinavian Foundation with headquarters in New York, which was established in 1910 by Niels Poulsen, a Danish immigrant/ industrialist, to conduct educational exchange between United States and the Scandinavian countries.
Board of Directors
Message from the President
Ours is a volunteer non-profit organization that invites anyone with a Scandinavian link to join us as members. Some of us were born in Scandinavia; others have parents or grandparents who immigrated to the United States long ago. Still others may have studied there or have simply been impressed by their history or culture. I was born in Copenhagen. My mother and I came to this country in 1949…so, yes, it was a long time ago! I feel thoroughly Americanized, and I have a strong affection for the country of my birth, so I am a proud hyphenated American; a Danish-American. I joined the ASF because I wanted to connect with people who, in one way or another, shared a fondness for the Scandinavian culture and who felt a need for a connection to that culture.
What is it that Scandinavian culture brings to America? We can point to the inventiveness of Scandinavians in the fields of science, art, literature, music and, of course, diplomacy. There are those genuine intellects, who have contributed so much to global culture; people such as Jean Sibelius, Niels Bohr, Alfred Nobel, Edvard Grieg, Hans Christian Andersen, Dag Hammarskjold, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and Folke Bernadotte. Scandinavians seem to exhibit a distinct preference for peaceful resolution of conflict. This isn’t, of course, always possible, but in general, Scandinavia has come to be known for its peace-makers and “bridge builders.” In a world that is often characterized by violence, it seems we could use more bridge builders! One noted sociologist, Riane Eisler, points to Scandinavia as the source of yet another cultural value: an emphasis on partnership. People seem to work together more easily than in other cultures where “getting ahead” is the only value. By contrast, Scandinavians have come to value partnership and cooperation in addition to competition. One way by which we share our culture is by encouraging the next generation to explore these values as they move on in their academic careers. We offer scholarships through a partnership with the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara and we encourage our members to apply.
We also have fun! Our activities range from discussions about interesting events, exposure to the arts, a social time to get together for hamburger and beer, to our annual Christmas party, at which we celebrate the traditional Swedish tradition of Santa Lucia. We really do know how to enjoy each other’s company! So if you haven’t already done so, JOIN US!
Peter O. Haslund, President.
Cheryl Wright
Heidi Poley
Board Member
Bonnie Hammet
Board Member
Ellen Zissler
Board Member
Peter Haslund
Sandy Evans
Brooke Van Der Kar